Accidents can happen to anyone, but there are certain practices that will make it more likely that you will be in an accident. And some of these practices are even illegal now.
The big item in the news right now is texting while driving. With so many people texting now, this problem has reached the level of epidemic. The accidents caused by texting are often very serious, because the person texting doesn’t even slow down. They just aren’t looking for the people that might be around them. For the safety of those around you and for yourself, this habit has got to stop.
While texting is an extreme problem, any form of inattention is extremely dangerous. I understand that sometimes things go on that we have to handle, but texting is never one of them. Talking on the phone, while not illegal in all states, must be done responsibily. It is always best to use a headset or hands free system, if at all possible. And keep conversations short. Any kind of talking can be distracting, so even a passenger, can cause a problem. Just make sure that your first priority is the road and control of the car.
Something many people don’t think about is eating and drinking (obviously, I’m not talking about alcohol which isnever acceptable) while driving. Again, these are not illegal, provided alcohol is not involved, but they can definitely cause inattention, and should be limited as much as possible.
No one sets out specifically to cause an accident by not paying attention, but the unfortunate reality is that it happens more often than any of us wants to think. When you get behind the wheel, please be responsible and don’t do the things that are illegal and bring inattention, and limit even those that aren’t illegal. The life you save might be your own, or someone you love, and even if it isn’t, it is very hard to recover from killing someone over simple inattention.